

Perry C....

I've just received the five PD I pins I'd requested from the Atlanta APDA
Chapter, courtesy of our own Carl Miller.

I've gotta tell ya People, this is a VERY nice pin visually, and it says it
ALL.. "Find the Cure, Parkinson's."   I've already received compliments on the
attractiveness of the pins when wearing one, and THEN folks actually READ what
it says.   I've been asked any number of questions about PD 'cause of the pins
catching everyone's eyes.

Thank you, Carl, for taking the time and making the effort to send me the
pins... They're great!  I'd like to see our Parkie Support group purchase 'em
and sell 'em (a-HEM, MARY YOST! <waving> I'm hoping to make it to the meeting
on the 24th, and'll be wearing my PD pin) <but my daughter's getting married
on the 25th (YEA!!!!!) <big smile> (so it's a bit "iffy")

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Perry D. Cohen
Sent:   Friday, May 16, 1997 8:24 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Parkinson's Pins from Atlanta

I visited my Mother in Atlanta for Mother's Day last weekend, where I
met Margaret & Carl Miller of the Atlanta Chapter of APDA. I obtained a
supply of the Pins, designed by Margaret, which is being distributed by
their APDA support group. The pin is inscribed "Find the Cure...
PARKINSON'S" --a message that we can all back.

This is a great promotional device, as is the NPF torch pin. I carried a
handful in my pocket and whenever I met a friend or relative I gave them
a pin and invited a contribution. I also brought them back to our
National Capital Area APDA Chapter meeting where they were quite popular
at the suggested $5 donation. Already I have raised several hundred
dollars for Parkinson's Causes, after paying off the cost of the pins to
the Atlanta group, and I still have most of the pins left.

My intention is to keep raising money by selling pins, but more
important, I intend to give the pins to our supporters for Parkinson's
research funding on Capitol Hill. I have found that Congressional staff
and members remember when you leave such a token.

The pins are available from the Millers.  Contact them for more
information: Email-- [log in to unmask]

UDALL BILL? (HR1260;S535)

Perry Cohen
Washington DC