

At 05:09 AM 5/18/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Ron!
>Since PD symptoms appeared, I have had trouble buying
>shoes. It seems that my gait has changed and shoes that
>would previously stay on nicely no longer do so. First I had
>to buy shoes with a strap to hold them on, otherwise I would
>constantly slip out of them at the heel. Now, 6 years down
>the track, I stick to flat heeled lace-ups.
>By the way, it is Robyn writing this, not my husband, John.
>Robyn, Perth WA.
robn i wear western boots and closh stuff you wear so law won't get for
wearing birthday suit. easyer to button and to keep on. helps me to stand
up. any help to you.make sure there is cut in front and back. of boots. buy
good ones. I.Y.Q. don