

Some years ago, on a visit to UK, John and I picked up
a document about the Birmingham Institute for Conductive
Education. We were told that the Birmingham Institute
started work with adults who have Parkinson's Disease
in September 1990.

Does anyone on the list know how this work is going
and whether PWP who have attended have gained
lasting benefit from the conductive education?

If it has been a success, has anyone tried to start up
anything similar outside Europe?

I would very much like to know if anyone has info.


Robyn, 48/ 6.5 (Perth, WA, Australia.)

From:   Emma Bennion[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   18 May, 1997 20:27
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        The parkinson Village

I am so glad that the Parkinson village in Middle England survived the
severe storms that attacked it last Autumn and that the wind of change is in
the air!  Good thing they can't smell Bernhard Matthews turkey houses as
they are far from 'bootiful'.. However if Stan can shovel plenty of  turkey
**** on his roses, he should get a fine bunch for Millie, and  lessen the
risk to the ozone layer by her over zealous use of  Haze Spray!

regards from North Norfolk where the breeze is sweeter!
