

> Fra: Don Erickson <[log in to unmask]>
> Til: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
> Emne: Newcomer
> Dato: 17. maj 1997 14:30
> Dear Barb;  Thank you for the welcome letter.  My name is Don Erickson
> and a CG for my wife Ruth, {66/6}.  For the sniffing survey, she lost a
> lot of her sense of smell about the time of the diagnosis.  A big
> problem she now has is excess saliva after taking sinemet  50/200 CR
> [4 X day} .  Would appreciate any comments from other  menbers.  Besides
> sinemet she  takes  a prempro  [.625-2.5] in the a.m. and a Aricept [10
> mg] and a Trazodone {50 mg]  at bedtime.
> Take Care,    Don

Hello Don, I welcome you to the list.