

The worst response to my messages is to have them ignored. I got up this
morning to see if some Rumplestiltskin wove gold out of my straw, my
chaff. See, how's that for a sense of humor?

It's unfortunate when people use sarcastic mean-spirited put downs. Yes,
put-downs such as telling  me to leave and join Mensa.  I think I'm
going to stick around for a while as a burr. . The man who invented
Velcro successful. He  got the idea for Velcro  from the lowly burr.

l Why do some messages  repeat   the points I have stated in  previous
messages, e.g. that the list is international (Re  Udall).

2. One thoughtful personal replyto me  gave  an example of  a list-serve
which has categories, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy,  It has topics for
the day: Symptoms; Support; Insurance; etc. So my suggestion  was not
original. I thought it was an idea I originated.

3. I hope I have helped to seasoned "the stew" and not made it too
unpaletable. I  could say.. I will say,......for me  the "stew-pot"
conjures up an image of a large kettle with persons gathered around it.
I'm letting this one fly, because my wife just left my cyberspace, and
is no longer looking over my shoulder,  reminding me to be tactful and
not to respond in kind.

Yes, I'm credentialed to send messages, a PWPD   Walter