

Bill James A___ wrote:
> Hey Dennis:  I have quietly been observing the discussion surrounding
> Walter Huegel's arguments.  I suggest that it is time to stop piling
> on Walter.  He makes some excellent arguments and the responses to
> them have become increasingly strident.  Let's try some of your own
> philosophy here, i.e., live and let live.  I get the uncomfortable
> feeling that we might be driving Walter off the network (it has
> happened before).  The Parkinson's predator rides all of our
> shoulders, gnawing, slashing, and eating at us.  Let's turn our
> attention back to it and away from attacking one another.  Back off,
> Dennis.  Prof. Jim Bill
        Dear Bill
Thank you for your message of support.  Since yesterday Dennis and I
have come to mutual respect and trust. We did this off-list. Why?  We
all know how we feel when we want to have a  candid talk with someone
and a third person  is present.  The triad changes the dynamics of the
conversation. There are interesting dynamics that go on in lists.
Someone should do a transactional analysis. Like, ""Who is this
interloper?" Or, being offended by my humor. When we spoke about "stew"
I wanted to sing  a verse from the song, "Who threw the over-alls in
Mrs. Murphy's Chowder?" Maybe I am aspiring to be a stand-up comedian.
Standing in place is difficult for me.  Could I be a sit-down comic; as
a Stand up comic there would probably be shouts from the audience, "Sit
down!." "Get the hook!"
It was helpful to  dialogue with Dennis.  I respect Dennis for his
sincerity. though we may still disagree on some issues It' good to have
a tender heart and a thick skin.   Walter