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At 02:04 PM 5/25/97 -0400, you wrote:
>i am dipl mech engineer teacher in a techical school of
> Greece
>         my interesting in the list is due to my 75 years old mother who
> from PD about 6 years
>         now she takes madopar 3/4 pill , 3 times per day
>         and procitol 1/2 x 2 times per day
>         i would like to find some more information  to help her.
>        Her address is
>                Paka Aikaterini
>                Peloponnisou 6
>                546 31
>                Thessaloniki
>                Greece
>                                                Michael
Hi Michael,

There are 3 or 4 good sources of information on PD as well as other
diseases. There is also a lot of information on aging on the US Govt
information web sites. If you are unable to locate them, using your browser
please let me know and I will provide addresses for you.

I do not have PD myself but became interested in such as a result of having
patients with PD and Depression, along with hullicinations. Over the 6
months or so I have learned a lot and found it all most interesting, along
with lots of mail some helpful and some others, not so. A good adventure for
you, I think. :-)>

My wife along with our High School English Teacher son will be leading a
group of students on a two week tour of Italy and Greece, leaving Phoenix,
Arizona, next Sunday morning. The trip includes a 3 day boat cruise. Could
you give me some idea as to the weather they may expect this time of the year ?

