

>>> Deanne Charlton <[log in to unmask]> 05/22/97
11:55am >>>
In a message dated 97-05-22 02:04:30 EDT, Ken Becker

<< Anti-oxidents sound like rust removers to me! Do I look
like a tin man? I
 think NOT!

Ken -
At a Research Planning Workshop on August 29/30, 1995,
held in Wash., D.C., Dr. C. Warren Olanow, M.D. @ Mt.
Sinai Med. Cntr  (NY) and Dr. Flint Beal, M.D. @ Mass.
Gen'rl, reported on "Oxidative Stress."
They believe that oxidative stress and free radicals may
cause nerve cell loss in Parkinson's.  Free radicals are
considered to be highly toxic substances produced by all the
cells of your body.  These toxic substances are regularly
cleansed from the body by antioxidant enzymes and
vitamins, such as vitamin E, vitamin C and selenium.
Their report stated that the levels of certain oxides in the
substantia nigra of PWP were abnormally high and that the
level of a compound called glutathione (a marker of how well
free radicals are cleansed) was low.
My neurologists believe in the value of antioxident can't hurt you.

Stephan  <[log in to unmask]