

Reply to message from [log in to unmask] of Fri, 23 May
>Marlee I to rake indomethcin for unilateral headaches though.
 It works well , but first i got a CAT scan,ect. to rule out other possible causes.
But it nice not having those headaches.

Nancy M. [log in to unmask]

>Deanne and others,
>my doctor today said sometimes when these muscles in the neck get "tight" they
>pinch the occipital nerve causing a migrain-like headache.  This can be
>distinguished (maybe) from other types of headachs by being 1-only on one side
>of the head, 2-skin sensitive to touch (brushing etc), 3-pain can sometimes be
>sharp, burning or electrical.  There were other things, but my memory is bad.
>He recommended an anti-inflamitory (indocin in my case as it does not react with
>other PD meds) and ice massage to the neck.
>Could this be related to what you are talking about?
>don't forget how to laugh
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