

Hi! I am here to just hold on the this subject line.

>I think I can explain the phenomenon of why people don't always do what is

Gee this sounds like my dad!

>Most of what is healthy involves either giving up something we enjoy, or
>doing something we hate.

My dad would have NEVER taken supplements!!!, but he was so bad off that
he accepted my help. Sooo! I had my mother enter the supplements in his
daily drink...under Malabsorption syndrome he says: Malaborption is also
a significant factor in the overall aging process....(Prescrition F N,H)
  Listen to what he says!! In supplying these nutrients, it is best to
bypass the intestinal tract as much as possible! I agree!! Crush up all
pills, I do not know about the Sinement!, but all vitamins, if they are
not coated. Go for the liquid or powders!, Mix and lozenge.

 Think about this! Would I rather excersize until I
>get all sweaty and everything hurts, which will make me feel a few
>weeks..or eat a large chocolate bar with almonds, which will make me feel
>better right now, and maybe in a few weeks I'll be in an emergency room
>clutching my fat blocked heart, or MAYBE,

This has probably never happened to any-one else! BUT my grandmother got
sick, the doctor prescriped medication,but when she when into the hospital,
I noticed all the vitamins that were given, she got better, but when she
went back home she got sick again, then back to the hospital with all the
vitamins, well I MUST have been really stupied not to see this!!!
  It was like it was right there and I didn't even see it!!
 This is such a wonderful day for me because you do not know what a
fight I have had with my parents. All this stuff, that I go out and buy
MYSELF for my father, he does not take....Today! today! today! after
my report on my father doing better on NAHD, and my dad saying months
later that it did not make a DIFFERENCE! Now!!!! Going back they KNOW!!
  But wait, I have had a tuff time, you all will never know, I(my) father
had spiked tea, whenever he visited his grandson, filled with all the
malaborptions techinques I could find, little did I talk my mother into
but grape seed extract!
  Geeze, Folkes it has not been easy!! My mother called me today, believe
me this is unusual to tell me that she thinks (maybe) the NADh has helped!
  Please listen everyone, it is not  just the NADh, it is the ability to
absorb this that makes the DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!
  What else can I say... Please educate yourselves on Malabsorption, all
the supplements in the world will not help you unless you understand the
problems, related to this! It is so easy! Deannne, Please help me!!!
  Geeze, Why do I find myself so much opposition! This method is safe!
Or er! Listen everyone! most of the medical estabislishment wants to cure
this thing? why should they? Look at the past!

>I'll be out looking for more chocolate, the white kind, that rots my teeth
>before I even take it out of the wrapper...... Life is so uncertain, but
>enough fat, chocolate-loving folks can ensure that we'll never see a heart
>surgeon  on welfare!

 And why shouldn't you, damm, nothing is making you not hold on to life!
I do not blame you, you are strong, still! Mix you a power drink in the
morning and go on!!! There is no reason to comprise,just add all this
stuff(extra!) !
  WHAT am I saying !! you will live forverer.. and I will never collect
all that MONEY!!!!! SCREW! I want my dad! So!! Beleive it or not, I write
these so called (e-mail) chemist everyday! and ask them questions!
  You want to go political on matter, fine, it may make for headway,
but, my method is to bug these people. And I do! And you know what they
feel guilty!!
  It is all a matter of Importance, lets get them to say so!
                      Come on. it is just us <laugh> Linda Forrests's Mom