

You're not quite ready for that Pulitzer prize.  But, tell me, how did
you know that my friend, an old but youthful,  WWII  Mustang pilot takes
me up in his Cessna 155?  We circle around our apartment complex, sans
bombs, (Re: your reference to my dropping bombs). He also circles around
the houses of past and present "lady friends." We circle a lot.

Also one of my favorite cartoons, in the category of, "Why me Lord?" has
a radio announcer sitting in front of an old fashioned microphone, (I
know you like old radios).  Above him is a huge bomb about to land in
the radio studio. This message is written on the bomb,  "This just in!"
Your reference to, " enough to choke a dead skunk."  Did you make  that
up? If so, not bad.

With a smile on my face, I reach out to you with  a  shakey hand  of
friendship.  Walter