

At 05:01 PM 5/25/97 -0400, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>For the benefit of new members of the PD list, this is an update about
>CARE (Caregivers Are Really Essential),the sublist especially for PD caregivers
>  (CGs).  The need for such a list was evident from feelings expressed on the
>PD list that there were times when CGs needed to be able to "let off steam "
>in a place where this would not upset carepartners  (CPs).  Some of us have
>caregiver support groups, where we can safely express feelings, get practical
>support, and share experiences--others do not.  The CARE list serves this need,
> but DOES NOT shut off participation by CGs on the mainlist.We operate through
>a listserv at Miami University, Oxford,Ohio.  This is a closed list, and CGs
>who wish to join may send a request as follows:
>                 [log in to unmask]
>                 SUBscribe CARE (your first and last names)
>Instructions will then be sent to you as to how to proceed, when you have
>been added to the list.  List "co-owners" are Jeff Jones and myself. The
>traffic on CARE is a lot less than the main list,log listinfo consideration.
>Welcome aboard!  Questions? email me or Jeff:
>        Camilla Flintermann <[log in to unmask]>
>        Jeff Jones <[log in to unmask]>
camilla this don mckinley i sent you an email came back can send. one in
lower case one in uper will try it this way to get to you and peter. one
more thing vivian think of you as a close friend. i may missunder stood a
message. mom and i call you one of my girl friends. how do i refer to you.
as you helped me on the phone. mom and i was talking what will i do if you
go first. where will i get help. she ask one of your girl friends. aas you
got us on time married and age. we laugh. you and peter seem to be our kind
of people. lost 5lbs. still hope to see you this summer if doc will let me.
mom says i can sleep on the way. ok. so let me know houw to email you.
I.Y.Q. don