

To the Prices

I am really not an expert on this.  To tell you the truth my speech has
been so rotten that I tend to not ask many questions these days unless it's
via e-mail or letters (although I  had my first speech therapy session on
Friday and it was encouraging).  I first learned of this benefit in The
Parkinson's Bulletin put out by the APDA Information and Referral Center at
Robert W. Johnson Hosp. in NJ.  The article described it as being avialable
from the VA Hospital in East Orange NJ.  Who knows, it doesn't sound likely
but maybe this is available only there.  Having said that,  I wouldn't
imagine a spouse of a deceased veteran would be eligible though, but since
her husband had 20 years in the USAF wouldn't she continue the same
benefits she had when he was alive and wouldn't they include drugs?

I looked for phone #'s but all I found was the NJ #.   When looking for it,
please know that they're now called the Department of Veteran's Affairs,
not the Veteran's Administration.

In re-reading the info to respond to you, I noticed that apparently any Vet
can also be treated by them, besides just getting the meds, for non-service
related chronic diseases like PD.  It says that "exempt" (unknown financial
criteria) pay nothing and "non-exempt" pay a $41 outpatient co-payment
charge. I don't really have any knowledge about the quality of their
neurologists, but the one who sees me just to verify my own doctor's
prescriptions is a bit difficult to communicate with (in this case it's HIM
and not me!), but then the visit with him is pretty pro forma anyway.  I go
every six months and get a six months supply of meds.

Would you, and Clara Nester too, please let me know what you find out?  I'd
hate to be giving out incomplete advice.  Thanks

Bruce Anderson (51, 2 1/2)