

Heather Elizabeth "Billy":
Or should I call you "Dr. Baird-Pioneer PWP"?

I believe one of your early questions in this dialogue
concerning the need for medication (Sinemet, etc.) or vitamin
therapy (antioxidants) was: "What did a Parkinson's sufferer
do before the advent of twentieth century medicine?" or
something like that.

In an article written in the "Parkinson's Report," 2nd
quarter/1992, by Dr. Juan Sanchez-Ramos, the Dr. described
an excerpt from "A Manual of Diseases of the Nervous
System," written by W.R. Gowers, 1888:  Parkinson's was
then referred to as Paralysis Agitans.  In mode of treatment
Gowers said:
     "All causes of mental strain and physical exhaustion
should, as far as possible, be prevented.  Life should be quiet
and regular, freed,  as far as may be, from care and work.
All treatment that may fatigue or exhaust the patient's
strength should be avoided.  Among internal remedies, all
varieties of nerve sedative have been employed, and each
has been praised by some and found to fail by others.  Many
of them, especially morphia*, conium*, hyoscyamine*, and
Indian Hemp*, quiet the tremor for a time."
*Morphia is an extract of opium which contains apomorphine
a dopamine agonist.
*Conium is an extract of Hemlock, highly toxic [ask
Socrates], but in low doses mimics atropine.
*Hyoscyamine, also known as atropine, is an alkaloid
extracted from the deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
and is similar to artane and cogentin.
*Indian Hemp is marijuana [for all you Californios].

Get connected to the pioneer spirit of natural medicine and
help yourself to therapy - a combination of modern
medication, vitamins and natural foods - [now where did I put
that Rx for those funny cigarettes?].

Stephan  <[log in to unmask]>

>>> Heather Elizabeth Baird
<[log in to unmask]> 05/27/97 07:34am >>>
Like, Ok, I agree, we should all just stop eating, and just
take pills instead, eh?  Every expert I hear from says that the
nutrients in the food are better then the nutrients in the pills.
The main problem with taking the pills is the chance of
getting too much of a good thing, that is, it is just too easy to
overdose.  It is hard to overdose on food, although, you can
overdose on drink.  Now where are those alcohol filled
I got for Christmas?
[log in to unmask]>>>>>