

Mike Claeys of The Parkinson Action Network asked me to post this VERY

The Mack Amendment  to increase NIH funding will be voted on at or after 9 PM
TONIGHT Wednesday 5/21/97 Washington DC time.

Call your senators right now.  Don't worry about regular business hours.  The
offices are still open.  If a machine answers, leave a message.  Just call
right now.

If the NIH does not have enough funding, then even if the Udall bill passes
there will not be enough money available, and that is why we need each and
every person who will benefit from the Udall Bill to call the FREE
800-962-3524 phone number and ask their 2 Senators to Pass the MACK

It is crucial that the money be funded to the NIH.
PLEASE CALL 800-962-3524 --and ask anyone and everyone you know who has ever
asked you what they can do to help, to call also--Ask for your Senators and
say,"Please pass the Mack Amendment for increased NIH funding"