

I have spent a number of months learning from all of you.  As a long
distance caregiver, I have had little to add to the wonderful info you
share here.  As some of you know, my dad who had PD died suddenly just
two days after my wedding recently.  My mother was in the hospital at
the time and is still in rehab.  My brother was there and I am going
June 3rd to relieve him so he can return to work.  We are sad at the
loss of our father and yet glad that he is freed of the suffering he has
experienced.  For a number of years, he was functioning with the PD, but
the last few have been difficult for him as well as a drain on my mom.
Her health has deteriorated to the point of not being able to caregive
and he would have had to go to a nursing home.  He would not have been a
cooperative nursing home patient.  I strongly believe that the saying
that God never gives anyone more than he/she can deal with holds true.

I wish all of you well and pray daily for a cure or better treatments
for this devastating disease that effects so many lives today.  I will
check in from time to time and will refer others to this excellent list
serv for assistance.  Many of you are courageous people who share openly
and even offer laughter in times of difficulty.

Aloha, Gail
Gail (Post) Jordan, RN,MS,CSN
Maryknoll Schools
1722 Dole St.
Honolulu, HI 96822