

Many thanks to the many Listfriends who posted here as well as those who
emailed me with congratulations about my daughter's marriage on May 25th (and
my becoming a mother-in-law) <smile> (and about the collagen injections)
<which, while high on my list, aren't quite in the same category as my
daughter getting married!>

I hope you'll each excuse me for not responding via email as I usually do when
there's personal messages sent to me, however, since I took off a coupla days
from work to enjoy the wedding and it's attendant festivities, I'm now
absolutely SWAMPED with work.  I'm also pretty darn tired from all that
unaccustomed partying! (I know... I know... you all thought I was a habitual
partier, right? <giggle>

WRONG!!! <'nother giggle>

Thanks again....

Barb Mallut
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