

> Fra: Clay Felts <[log in to unmask]>
> Til: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
> Emne: When do you quit?
> Dato: 28. maj 1997 08:10

Hello Clay,
thats a very interesting subject you have chose, and I`ll try to reply in
my best English ( I`m a Dane).
> When do you quit working?  It seems to me that there are many factors
> and many people involved in a decision to quit working because of
> Parkinson's.  For example:
> *       Self - This is ultimately the most important person in a
> decision to quit working.  You make it on how you feel, what are your
> finances, what physical or psychological benefits you get from working,
> and what impact you will have on your family.

*    In my case I could feel very soon that I couldn`t work anymore, but
before i decided to stop working as a nursing aid I was re-educated to have
a job at an office as a clerk, which I had been for twenty years before I
educated me to work at the hospital as a nurcing aid. I`m a widow andhave
an adopted son from BanglaDesh (34 years old) so Ineeded only to think
about my needs and not the family.

> *       Employer - Should judge your contribution but what are the laws
> related to people with handicaps?  Do they apply here?  If you are asked
> to leave before you wish, how do you fight it?
*   I HADto leave because I was too ill because of PD, and went to a
commercia shiool for a eyar where I had sallery from the state, and after
the examen I was offered a "protected" job - but the disease had increased,
in fact I was too ill.

> *       Doctor - Should be on your side.  Does your doctor get involved
> in deciding if you are disable?
*   Both my GD and my Neurologist told me to stop.

  What criteria are used?  Does the
> doctor help insurance companies, the state and Social Security decide if
> you are disable?
*    Both the state Social Security and my private insurace only had to ask
the doctores, and it wasn`t a problem to be retired, and I became pension
from the first day.

> *       Disability Insurance Company - Not on your side.  How do they
> decide on a disability claim?  How do you get what is fair?
*   I havn`t had any problems. ( I don`t quite understand this question)

> *       Social Security - Can you retire early with Parkinson's and
> collect disability from Social Security?
*   There is no differens between "normal" disease an PWP in Denmark.
> I would like to hear from some people who had to make such a decision.
> What steps did you go through?  What did you learn that might help
> others who are following you?
*   It was a strange feeling to stop working and of course I often said to
my self : IT IS NOT ME - but on the other hand I was so ill that I COULN`T
stand to work.
Since my husband died 10 years ago it was an important part of my life to
In Denmark we have some very good LOCALCENTRE for retired, and I join my
center 4-5 times a week. In fact I have prepared me for about 5 years
because as a nursing aid I have seen to much suffering when people hasn`t
done that.
I retired 2 1/2 years ago- and to day I`m a HAPPY RETIRED.
My financiel situation is very good, because I have a high pension from my
husband, and because I was a nursing aid I have pension from this society,
and I have the state-pension.
We are paying high taxes in Denmark, but it has not been necessary for me
to move from my house, sell my car it`s a great luck.
I was diagn. 3 1/2 years ago, but have hade PD for 9 years.

I can only talk for myself - but I believe it`s better stop working when
you are feeling your PD increase because of e.g. stress.

Clay, I hope my replyes are OK.

Best regards from
Sonia Nielsen, Denmark
58/ 3 1/2 (9)