

^^^^^^GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  47/10   [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses   54  deg. F

On Wed, 28 May 1997 23:01:40 -0400 Camilla Flintermann
<[log in to unmask]> writes:

>Listfriends-- Tonight I had another call from Ivan Suzman, who is
>asking for
>assistance if possible re: being unable to access or send email, due
>an upgrading of his server, "Juno" which is going on.

Dear Listfrends,

    I called Juno's President, Chuck Ardai, this early A.M., at
HOME.......and,  magically, when I got back from a pallidotomy/pallidal
stimulation consultation with Dr. Gerhart Friehs at Rhode Island
Hospital, my E-MAIL IS UP AND RUNNING after 6 days off-line.

    It pays to go to the top!

>BTW, he has not seen the messages from several people about his study,
>due to the interruption of email, but I mentioned them to him. Ivan is
>much aware that his "study" is not a random sample/scientific
> sees suggestive and interesting patterns in the replies,wonders about
>qualified researcher picking up on them (e.g. links to the female
>relatives in
>greater  degree, possible genetic links, etc.)

    I will be commenting on the most important points in my final post,
no. 10 in the series. (parts 1-6 have been sent to the list). Heck, even
if it's a TOTALLY NON-SCIENTIFIC, NON-RANDOM sample, isn't fascinating
that there is obvious maternal relative dominance among diabetes-affected

Thanks, Camilla for your two posts to the list while my e-mail was down!
