

When do you quit working?  It seems to me that there are many factors
and many people involved in a decision to quit working because of
Parkinson's.  For example:

*       Self - This is ultimately the most important person in a
decision to quit working.  You make it on how you feel, what are your
finances, what physical or psychological benefits you get from working,
and what impact you will have on your family.
*       Employer - Should judge your contribution but what are the laws
related to people with handicaps?  Do they apply here?  If you are asked
to leave before you wish, how do you fight it?
*       Doctor - Should be on your side.  Does your doctor get involved
in deciding if you are disable?  What criteria are used?  Does the
doctor help insurance companies, the state and Social Security decide if
you are disable?
*       Disability Insurance Company - Not on your side.  How do they
decide on a disability claim?  How do you get what is fair?
*       State Government - In California we have a payroll deduction for
disability.  The same questions can be asked about their criteria for
disability.  How do they decide?
*       Social Security - Can you retire early with Parkinson's and
collect disability from Social Security?

I would like to hear from some people who had to make such a decision.
What steps did you go through?  What did you learn that might help
others who are following you?

