

From: Forrests Mom

I read with great interest the postings from Forrests Mom and others,
reporting the results of diverse research applicable to neurological
disorders in the main and PD in particular.

Two things stand out for me:

1. Many researchers seem unaware of other work in their discipline, if it
does not involve the hypothesis on which they are working.

2. There seems to be little, if any, cross-disciplinary research.

No doubt much of this has to do with scientific competitiveness, and with
the sheer volume of current data.  Add to that the vast number of things
still unknown or poorly understood, and it is no wonder that, despite the
time and money expended to date, there is little effective result.

It points out the urgent need for a cross-disciplinary, many-faceted
That is why the Udall bill is so exciting. It offers, for the first time,
the potential to initiate the broad-based, interknit approach which I feel
is the only way to tackle such a complex subject as PD.

So I pray every night for the success of the bill, as I know that, if
passed (no, dammit, WHEN passed) it has the potential to improve the lot of
millions world-wide now, and in the future.
