

Hi Carol,

Even as a mere 47/10, I find getting out of bed whilst 'off' to be one
of life's more demanding tasks.  In an effort to keep my independence
in this area for as long as posible I have come up with the following
techniques.  They may prove ineffectual for some older, weaker or
more advanced PWP, but some people  may find them usefull.

1.      The Lever

        This is useful if the PWP is lying on their back.

        The PWP raises their knees until the thighs are at right
        angles to their body and their lower legs are parallel to
        the surface they are lying on. (if necessary a helper can
        assist with this)

        The PWP then reaches forward and grips their legs just
        below the knees.

        If working alone:       the PWP sets up a rocking motion, at
        the same time pushing forward with their legs. It is important
        to maintain the grip just below the knees.

        By increasing the arc of the rocking motion and the thrust
        of the legs it is possible to achieve a sitting up position.

        If working with assistance:     the PWP must maintain their
        grip below the knees whilst the assistant pulls on the lower
        legs to swivel the PWP until they are at right angles to the
        edge of the bed. (This is probably the hardest part of the
        operation).  The PWP can then allow their lower legs to sag
        giving their assistant access to their knees.  The assistant can
        then pull/push the knees until the PWP is sitting up on the
        edge of the bed.

        There is a variation of this which is useful if, for example, the
        PWP is flat out on the floor.  Instead of the PWP lying with their
        lower legs parallel to the floor, the whole leg is held at right angles
        to the body.  The PWP must still hold their legs just below the knee.
        The assistant then pushes or pulls on the legs until a sitting posture
        is acheived.

2.      The Sneaky Slide (or "Hush hush whisper who dares,
                            Christopher Robin is saying his prayers.")

        This is useful if lying on your side or front, but can require a
        lot of patience as your legs can be quite uncooperative.

        Hook a leg over the edge of the bed and use it to work
        yourself onto your tummy with both legs over the side. You will
        find that gravity will start to help. Eventually you should find
        yourself on your knees facing the bed.  I have found that once
        I am in this position I can use my arms more affectivly to assist in

        If all else fails you are in a good position for saying your prayers.
        Please include me in them.


Dennis Greene 47/10
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