

Dear List-Friends....

My PD  support group had 2 guest speakers from pharmaceutical companies at our
May 24th meeting, one of whom worked for Upjohn, the maker of Pramipexole.

Sorry I'm reporting the following information a week after I heard it, but I
went straight to onto an offline-state for the 2 days immediately after the
meeting to join in my daughter's wedding festivities right after that meeting.

I returned to find myself not only swamped with work, but to the news that one
of my 14 MSN staff members had died!!!  (in fact, I was voice-talking to Ivan
S. when I got the news!) In the ensuing chaos and planning for her memorial
service, I neglected to pass on the information garnered from the Upjohn Rep.

About a year ago, Upjohn paid a SPECIAL PREMIUM to the FDA in order to get the
FDA to EXPEDITE the release date of Pramipaxole!!!   In accepting the premium,
the FDA allegedly PROMISES the pharmaceutical company (any pharmaceutical
company that pays it) the drug in question WILL be in the marketplace no
longer than one year after the premium payment.  And the year is up in August
on Pramipaxole... which is when Upjohn is figuring the drug will be given
permission by the FDA to begin marketing it's product..

According to the Upjohn Rep... Upjohn HAS been ready to release the drug for
several months and it's the FDA that's slowing 'em down.


Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Ivan M Suzman
Sent:   Saturday, May 31, 1997 5:01 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Pramipexole..what the hell is going on?

^^^^^^GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  47/10   [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses     deg. F

On Mon, 26 May 1997 12:54:51 -0400 Jacob Drollinger <[log in to unmask]>
>I am about ready to give up on pramipexole OR ropinerole EVER being
>to us by the f***ing FDA. Those self-perpetuating beauracrats in D.C.
>I think
>this, although a far cry from the Tuskegee syphallis study, is also a
>conspiratory cover-up.
>Jacob Drollinger
>26 dx'ed in '88
    Dr. Elias in Boston suggested I WAIT for pramipexole.. I am not the
type to "WAIT", so I called my Senators on 1-800-962-3524.

    I asked them to call the FDA.  The answer they are getting is that
Upjohn needs to have acceptable "labelling." SOUNDS VAGUE TO ME.

    Jacob, perhaps you will feel more empowered and certainly WE WILL ALL
be more knowledgeable if you try calling your Senators for assistance.

    If you try this, let us know what they find out!!

    I share your anger and uncertainty.

    SO, ACT UP NOW.  You'll be glad you did.  Call Washington, or have
family and friends call for you.
