

At 06:49 PM 6/1/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    aricept and PD
>Date:    97-06-01 14:18:25 EDT
>From:    KMCRAE
>To:      [log in to unmask]
>I am cg for Ken who has PD and SDS(extreme postural hypotension) and
>dementia. He kept PD under  great control with sinemet and  eldepryl for
>almost 10 years after being diagnosed in  1982, so we know he truly had PD.
>In the past five or six years, the SDS has slowly progressed along with the
>PD and dementia to the point that he was bedridden in a nursing home last
>fall, unable to communicate clearly or to stand up without passing out. We
>obtained a new drug, midodrine , to work with florinef to keep his standing
>BP up and brought him home with a full-time  nursing assistant. With physical
>therapy, he can now walk short distances, and we  (the  nurse, he, and I) all
>went to Yosemite National Park for two weeks. His neurologist recently agreed
>to start him on aricept as she says his dementia is "atypical" and it is
>worth a try. He is only taking 5mg daily  which will be increased to 10mg
>after six weeks if it helps. Already(after two weeks) many people are
>noticing the change. He can get out words that he wants to say. He is more
>interested in the people around him and more responsive to them. He has even
>begun to read again. he is even better able to communicate his toilet needs.
>My youngest daughter had a long conversation with him and was in tears with
>joy. I know that aricept  "shouldn't" work with PD, but sometimes "shouldn't"
>doesn't mean "won't". I am eternally grateful to our  doctor for being
>willing to try new things to help my husband.
>                                                                    Barbara
>Smith cgKen69/16
 what is dementia,aricept? don 72/25 still got lot to learn. memory spelling
trouble. I.Y.Q. don