

John Davis <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

<<<I practice what you describe as " overdosing" by taking 2 CR-Sinemets
first thing in the morning, then maintaining that level throughout the
useful part of my day. I usually take 2 50-200 at 7:00 AM,  1/2 25- 100
and 1 50-200 at 11:00 AM then same again at 3:00 PM.
This usually keeps me in  good working order through the lunch period,
however, by 1:30 I am sensitive to stressful situations and by NLT 3:30
I will have a period of dyskinesias before my 3:00 PM dose of medicine
kicks in.

By 7:00 PM the Sinemet wears off and I usually go through the period of
dyskinesias you describe at the end of medication.

What I cannot explain is the period of dyskinesias that I go through
with my first dose in the morning.  If  I take(2) 50-200  Crs at 7:00
AM, I will have a period of dyskinesias starting at about 8:00 until
about 8:45.  Then by  9:00 AM it will take effect and I will be fine
for the rest  of my normal  day.

...  I am 60 and have had Parkinson's for 13 years.>>

John, I too am 60 until August 27 and have had diagnosed PD for 13

I do not use any of the CR medication.  I find the algorithm
recommendation to use the regular medications for PWP over 60 seems to
make more sense to me.  The 77% average absorption of CR is wastefull;
and, the large amount of carbidopa does some detrimental effects to

I use halves of 25/250 carbidopa/levodopa six times a day. There is
little dyskinesia with this regimen.

Your two 50/200 CR meds will take about an hour to peak - that is the
cause of the 8:00 to 8:45 dyskinesia (too much levodopa). I suggest half
a 10/100 upon arising and only one CR tablet. the regular tablet will
peak after about 30 minutes and decay some before the CR reaches
significant level. Also, if you prefer the CR version, you might well
find that it works at sufficient level if taken at 3-hour rather than
4-hour intervals.

Do you experience any dystonia?

If you wish to look at some medication plasma concentration data, there
is some on my home pagge - URL at bottom.   best wishes,
ron      1936, dz PD 1984  Ridgecrest, California
Ronald F. Vetter <[log in to unmask]>