

>>> Linda S. Breedlove
<[log in to unmask]> 06/03/97 08:16am
Does anyone reading this have any experiences with very low
body temperatures, and what this might signify?  Ed's (50/4)
temperature has always run a degree or so low, but now, first
thing in the morning, it is down to 93.9 and 94.1 -- all the
time now.  He also feels just terrible.  Has anyone else
experienced this, or is it something totally unrelated to
PD?  If anyone has anything to share on this, I'd appreciate it
very much.
Linda B. (for husband Ed, 50/4) Columbia, MO>>>

Hello Linda & Ed:
     Problems with control of body temperature or excessive
sweating has been reported in patients with Parkinson's for
many years.  "Periodic" episodes, independent of outside
temperature, are reported to occur usually during "off-dose"
     Some patients are reported to experience other unusual
autonomic body functions, such as high blood pressure,
rapid heart beat and reddening of the skin.  Abnormally low
body temperature (less than 97 degrees F) has been
reported in "peak-dose" conditions.  Doctors recommend an
evaluation of the endocrine system (the hypothalamus in the
brain regulates body temperature).

Stephan 52/6