

It is a pleasure for me to be introduced to this group and I would shake
hands with all of you if I could.
Let me first of all introduce myself. My name is Mariuccia Fiorani and I am
from Italy. I got the name of this group from Barbara Patterson, and I
thank her, after sending a message to another newsgroup dealing with herbs
and natural remedies. The question I had put to that group was basically
whether anybody knew about any natural remedy that might be of help to a
far relative of mine who suffers from PD.
Now, I must confess that I know nothing at all about this illness, except
that whenever this relative comes and visits us, I feel as if I had to stop
his hand from shaking and give him some more positive help than just kind
words of sympathy.
I was registered only yesterday and I have already received stacks of
messages. I must admit that I have not read all of them, but I have quickly
gone through and saved all of them in a floppy disk. No doubt they will
turn out to be useful as soon as I slowly come to understand the meaning of
all scientific words of symptoms and remedies. I am grateful for telling
your personal experiences.
The thing is, that whenever I see my relative, we never enter into the
scientific side of the story, I don't know which medicines he takes and I
try to cheer him up and keep his hand in mines and try to transmit some
kind of warmth which is both physical and of the soul. Anyway, since I
personally dislike medicines (I must say I do not suffer from any serious
disease, that I know of), I always tell him that there must be a more
natural way to recover. I also asked him to keep a track of his illness and
see if there might be some signal of worsening at the various hours. He
apparently feels worse after he take meals. Also I tried to see if any
improvements might come from massaging his hand and neck. he says he feels
in some way better, his hand shivers a bit less and it becomes warmer, but
of course this is a temporary relief.
One of your messages, from Arthur Hirsch, today was going near my point of
question. He mentioned having caught part a TV broadcasting about some sort
of natural dopamine. (now I know that this is the name for a remedy!). I
think it is worth enquiring into this. As far as religion is concerned, I
reserve it for my prayers and I hope this remedy turns out to be a real
I apologize for having written such a long story, but I promise I shall be
more concise next time. In the meantime, please do send me your advice
especially if it entails natural remedies (for the moment I can grab only
simple things).

A nice evening to all of you

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