

On Mon 02 Jun, John Davis wrote:
> To: Brian Collins
> Subject: End of dose Dynskinesias
> I would like to resurrect this subject which was discussed several days ago
> I practice what you describe as " overdosing" by taking 2 CR-Sinemets first
> thing in the morning, then maintaining that level throughout the useful par
> t of my day. I usually take 2 50-200 at 7:00 AM,  1/2 25- 100 and 1 50-200
> at 11:00 AM then same again at 3:00 PM.
> This usually keeps me in  good working order through the lunch period,
> however, by 1:30 I am sensitive to stressful situations and by NLT 3:30 I
> will have a period of dyskinesias before my 3:00 PM dose of medicine kicks
> in.
> By 7:00 PM the Sinemet wears off and I usually go through the period of
> dyskinesias you describe at the end of medication.
> What I cannot explain is the period of dyskinesias that I go through with
> my first dose in the morning.  If  I take(2) 50-200  Crs at 7:00 AM, I will
> have a period of dyskinesias starting at about 8:00 until about 8:45.  Then
> by  9:00 AM it will take effect and I will be fine  for the rest  of my
> normal  day.
> I'm sure that I am not unique in experiencing this although I do not recall
> seeing any discussion about it.
> Regards
> John Davis
Hello John, The practice of taking 2 x 50/200 Sinemet in one dose gives me
tremors just thinking about it !!  I am not criticising you - if that regime
works for you then that is fine.  My only concern is the thought that such
large doses, which must be foreign to the normally- operating brain, may
lead to some long-term damage. However, I can find no published evidence on
the subject, and that must be sigmificant and encouraging.
   In my case, I simply cannot cope with the bumpy ride which is inherent in
the method, as you describe in your email. Maybe I am  a special case - I
don't know - One thing that is a factor with me, and which led to a
misunderstanding when I said that I found strong Dyskinesias painful is that
I suffer from moderate Arthritis as well. The uncontrollable writhing
movements which is how the end-of-dose dyskinesias strike me causes very
painful stress on my shoulders, arms and hands.  (In the quest for
understanding, I went through the high route myself: Only once though-
nothing would entice me back onto that particular path again)

   My objective in writing about all this is to give people the knowledge so
that they can make an informed decision, rather than have a particular
regime thrust on them by a busy specialist. It seems to me that some doctors
can only think in terms of whole tablets: that is useless if you follow the
low route, whereas if you throw a couple of sinemet 25/100 at a person
travelling on the high route, I doubt if he would notice.

I would like to see some more accounts from you out there: I have no idea of
how many people follow the high of the low routes

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>