

Dear Bill,

Yesterday I answered  in part your questions in my mail for Mark. I,ll send
some more info to your private e-mail.
I assume you understand this is not something I propagate to imitate. I hope
that my writing about this makes some people recognise what is troubling for
them and be able to talk about symptoms, for which they had no words before.

8  o clock   eldepryl 5, 1/2 permax 0.25, orphenadrine 50.
11.  ,,    1 sin. CR 25/100, eldepryl 5, 1/2 permax 0.25, orphenadrine 50.
14.  ,,    1/2 permax 0.25, orphenadrine 50.
14.30      1 sin, CR 25/100
17.  ,,    1/2 permax 0.25, orphenadrine 50.
18         1 sin. 25/100
20.  ,,    1/2 permax 0.25, orphenadrine 50.

Before I used this schedule I had heavy dyskinesia about 5 X 1 1/2 hours each
day. I had  the same amount of sinemet and took together with the other meds 1X
25/100 sin. and 4X 1/2 25/100 sin.
Now I have a more benign dyskinesia 2 hours a day

> Dear Ida,
> Thank you for your all of your recent information and thoughts on daily
> dosing of levadopa.  My mother also is realizing excessive dyskenesia
> and  lack of consistency with her reactions to medication.
> I have a question for you.  Could you please explain to me the
> definition of di-phasic dyskinesia.  And how it relates to "regular
> dyskinesia.
> Also , what is your current medication schedule?
> Thanks in advance.
> Bill
> --
> Bill Bell ([log in to unmask])