

Forwarded message:
Subj:    Fwd: Your info on aricept
Date:    97-06-04 19:17:08 EDT
From:    KMCRAE
To:      [log in to unmask]

Forwarded message:
Subj:    Re: Your info on aricept
Date:    97-06-04 12:25:02 EDT
From:    KMCRAE
To:      [log in to unmask]
CC:      [log in to unmask](parkinson'sinformationexchange)


for your note and the attached note from your Neurologist. Ken has advanced
Shy-Drager syndrome in addition to PD and dementia. We are trying the Aricept
for the dementia only, and as I said before, it seems to be having an effect.
He has never in all the years he's had PD, been able to increase his daily
dose of sinemet or sinemet CR to more than 500mg per day without severe
mental confusion. Of course, now, he has the problem with his BP getting so
low when he stands that he passes out if he has too much sinemet. You seem to
be able to tolerate a large amount of sinemet so I think your BP drop is just
from that. Ken's goes from 210/120        prone to 60/30 standing sometimes
within seconds. When this happens, he becomes totally rigid and passes out.
Thus, he takes all kind of meds to keep his pressure up during the day and
his largest dose of CR at bedtime.The aricept(so far) seems to be having no
effect on any symptoms except the dementia which is what we hoped for.

rereading this note, I think I will forward it to the whole  PD listserve
since there have been other discussions of aricept there. Thanks for writing.
Let me know how you do.