

     ". . . attractively displayed serial cables . . . you know,
male-type things. . ."<?> nice double entente , worthy of a
talented creative artist . . . . . anyhow:
     Now it's getting interesting! <gleeful rubbing of hands>
     Instead of a picture of  Janet Reno, how's about you carve
her face on a figurehead, to fit under the bowsprit, on the
prow of our boat: the S.S.Sinemet?
     <wait-a-minute . . . light bulb comes on> We should hold
a contest to name our boat!  Everyone on the list submit
entries!  The winner gets _____ ?   <here we need some
suggestions and offers of donations>
    Not to step on Dennis' or Phil's toes, instead of taking the
boat to Cuba or the UK, first, sail the S.S. ______ (?) up the
Potomac 'till we reach the Capitol, to lobby for the Udall bill!
    We can take legislators on free rides up and down the
river . . . .  <alright, that's enough, I'd better take my
medication now and get some rest, I'm too excited!>
Stephan  52/6
>>> Barbara Mallut <[log in to unmask]> 06/05/97
03:46pm >>>
JEEEEEZ!   Whadda ya think I am - a carpenter or
something? <grin> Yo dude...
I wouldn't know how to build a boat if my life depended on it!
I'm a talented creative artist tho, so all's not lost!
Tell ya what, m'dear... I think you can prolly get Ken Becker
to build ya that boat. He's very handy I understand, and if you
suck up to him a lot, well, he'll most likely do the job. <grin>
THEN, after Ken builds ya that boat, I'll be happy to
embroider and/or needlepoint the sails (maybe put some
embroidered motherboards and some attractively displayed
serial cables?  YOU know.. male-type-things!)
<giggling>  And I can paint flowers, or software code all over
the body of the boat in a neat design!   WOWIE!!  Is this
gonna be one..... uhhhhh... colorful... boat!
Say... would ya like a picture of Janet Reno on your boat
(like EVERYBODY'D just simply LOVE to have a
hand-painted picture of the Attorney General of the
US on their boat?) <cackling to self>.  That'd kinda add
some class to the whole thing...!
BOY - am I gonna be BUSY this coming year working on
these oh-so-creative projects for my list friends! <VERY big
-----Original Message-----
Sent:   Wednesday, June 04, 1997 5:15 PM
Barbara Mallut wrote:
> Phil, Ken, Dennis, and other PD swimmers....
> I'm SO touched by your proposed swims, respectively,
between Cuba and the
USA as well as across the English Channel!  In your honor,
I'm planning - with my own little hands - on knitting each of
you a pair of swimming trunks with matching waterwings and
your names'll be embroidered on 'em.... To further inspire ya,
I'll needlepoint pictures of M.Ali, the Pope, Janet Reno, Billy
Graham, and other Parkie luminaries on 'em. Uhhhhh... I'm a
very slow knitter and an even slower needlepointer, tho,
'cause of the PD so don't start swimming right away, 'kay?
YOUSA!  You're gonna all look soooooo cute!
Errrr... figure it'll take me...ohhhhh.... about a year to
complete the work if I start today.(I SAID I was slow!)
>I can't swim, but I wanna' go too!  If I send you some 2" x 4"
>s  could you build a boat for all of us? . . . . say, 50 cubits
>by 300 cubits?  Stephan 52/6<<<<