

Following is info passed on to us by Vernice Roberts of New
York following her contacts with the congressonal offices
listed below:

Rep. Cliff Stearns (R. Fla.) has signed on to the Smith bill

Rep. Dan Schaeffer (R. Colorado) undecided, will consider both

Rep. Greg Ganske (R. Iowa) will not co-sponsor Udall

Rep. Rick White (R. Washington) will not co-sponsor but will
look into it if it comes to the House

A letter we received from Rep. Castle, (R. at large-Delaware)
states in part, "At this time I am not a cosponsor of the
Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Research and Education Act;
however, I support the intent of this legislation and share
your support for finding a cure to Parkinson's Disease, and I
will work toward this end when considering H.R. 1260 as well
as other legislation addressing the need for medical

Dolores Gross