

Whoops!  Sorry for slip-up on previous message.

The following letter dated June 2 was received from Dr. Arthur
Caplan, Director, Center for Bioethics, University of
Pennsylvaia Health System.  I realize the House bill # contains
a typo.  Will be glad to send a copy of this letter to any
advocate upon request.

Dear Mrs. Gross,

I am very distressed by the opposition the Morris K. Udall
Research and Education Act, (HR 125, S. 535) has encountered.
This is a bill of major importance to those challenged by
Parkinson's Disease.  I know that with more than 100,000 persons
and their families in Pennsylvania and nearby states having to
cope with the ravages of this terrible illness that Congress
must do everything it can to lighten the burden of this terrible

Most distressing to me is the fact that this important
legislation appears to have been linked to the question of the
use of the fetal tissue for transplantation.  I have studied and
written about the use of fetal tissue for many years.  I am
astounded that anyone could arrive at the view that the passage
of the Udall Act would in any way encourage or influence
research with fetal tissue.  Congress has made it clear that it
feels it must wrestle separately with the moral issue of using
public funding for research using fetal tissue for transplant
purposes and this legislation does nothing to change that

I wish to lend my full support to the enactment of the Udall
Research and Education Act.  This bill should not be held
hostage to any other matter be it the use of fetal tissue,
abortion or anything else.  Those afflicted with Parkinsonism
and their families deserve better than that from their elected
officials.  I will try to do everything I can to make this
legislation a reality.

Arthur Caplan, Ph.D
Director, Center for Bioethics
Trustee Professor of Bioethics
Chief, Division of Bioethics

In an earlier letter Dr. Caplan had written:

May 19, 1997

Holding the Udall Research Act hostage to the non-issue of fetal
tissue transplant research is morally wrong.  I would be happy
to help you in any way I can in pushing this bill forward.  If
you think publicity would help let me know.