

Here is another resource I will be using for a support group meeting...

Parkinson Bowel Hygiene Program
Susan Imke, Nurse Practitioner, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix,

The bowel becomes sluggish with normal aging, and the problem worsens
with Parkinson's disease and the anti-Parkinson medications.  To
effectively maintain or restore optimal bowel function may require weeks
or even months of establishing new habits, but is well worth the effort.

*       Avoid the "paralyzed colon" syndrome caused by chronic use of
stimulant laxatives
        (the take-at-night-to-produce-BM-in-the-morning type). =20
*       Have spontaneous bowel movements 3 x per week.
*       Avoid developing hemorrhoids from straining at stool.

1)      Seltzer water adds air as well as moisture to the bowel.
2)      Sunsweet prune juice with pulp.
3)      Reduce red meat and milk/dairy products in diet.
4)      Increase fruit/vegetable consumption.  Try fruit as solo snack after
8 pm and for early am meal.  Do not combine with other foods.
5)      Increase weight-bearing exercise.  (walking/crawling)
6)      A.M. moist heat (warm a wet hand-towel in the microwave) and belly
massage from the rib cage to the pubic bone.
7)      OK to use Colace/Pericolace/Equalactin or other agents to regulate
bowel moisture.
8)      Infant-size glycerin suppositories help with softening hard, dry
stool in the lower colon.
9)      Fleet's enema OK if lack of elimination for greater than 7 days or
causing abdominal cramping.  Do not use more often than twice monthly.
10)     Most important:  Do not sit for longer than 5 minutes on the toilet
or strain to pass hard stool.  Your body may not "need to go" in the
morning like your mind expects!  Learn to "honor the urge"=85.wherever =
may be when you feel the need to have a BM, find a nearby bathroom to
respect your body's wisdom and retrain yourself into a healthier bowel