

You might try telling Jesse, if you are ABLE to tell Jesse anything,
that all of the people in the United States who have NEVER  had Polio
have Fetal Tissue Research to thank for it.  Everyone who had Polio
shots in the 1950's did so through Fetal Tissue Research.
Jesse is certainly old enough to remember the 1950's.

If you read the book "The Case of the Frozen Addicts"
by Dr. J.W. Langston
You will find the complete story of Fetal Tissue Research.
Every PWP and their caregivers should read this book,

People get on this soap box about Fetal Tissue Research
and if they got up and did some research on the subject,
at any library in the U.S. of any size, they would have to
re-examine their prejudices.  Maybe that is why they
don't do their research!!!!!

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian, with PD.  64/9
Who stayed in the hospital with her 2 year old
Brother who suffered with Polio in 1949.
I would have fought a buzz-saw to have
saved him from what he had to endure!!!!

At 12:41 PM 6/6/97 -0400, Bruce and Helen McCallum wrote:
>Dolores Gross's entry yesterday prompted me to tell of the well written
>response by Senator Jesse Helms to my letter to him urging him to be a
>co-sponsor of the Udall Bill. He basically said he would like to support it
>but can't because it doesn't specifically forbid funds for fetal tissue
>research. I personally suspect that most Republicans dislike giving money to
>anything that doesn't directly help themselves, and his caveat is just a
>convenient way of politically being for the bill while actually being
>against it, if you know what I mean. If anyone has a good arguement to
>counter Jesse's,  please send it to me. I would like to continue trying to
>change his mind.
>A jouster of windmills,  Bruce McCallum