

A-vast Mateys!
So far, in the competition to name our boat <you know, the
one we're sailing up the Potomac, etc.> the followig names
have been submitted:
S.S ALWAYS ON . . .  [ those darn D2 receptors ]         2
S.S.BALL O'STRING . . . [ nice Irish name ]                   3
S.S.FUNDACURE . . .  [ in all our dreams ]                    1
S.S.SHAKER . . . [ the boat will be well furnished ]          2
S.S. SHAKY . . . [ the Capt. has PD ]                            1
SHIP OF PILLS . . . [ capsules and tablets too ]              1
THAT'SA MY BOAT . . .  [ we'll all share ]                       1
S.S. UDALL . . . [ if the entire Congress will sign-on ]       2

Send in your entries, or votes.
p.s.: Barbara Mallut
        How are you coming on that figurehead?

Stephan  52/6