

<<The questions will be posted at weekly intervals.  You can respond to
some questions and not others, as you wish.  You can respond "on list"
privately to: Leslie Van Dover at:  [log in to unmask]

People join Lists for various reasons

1.      How did you first learn about the Parkinsn List?

2.      When did you first join the Parkinsn List?

3.      What reason(s) did you have for joining the Parkinsn List?

Leslie Van Dover
McMaster University School of Nursing
[log in to unmask]>>

I am not certain, but my guess is that I was learning to get onto the
internet- and found some things using Alta Vista search engine.

I joined in November 1994 probably.

my reasons for joining include:

having the disease since before diagnosed in 1984

wanting to learn all that I could about it

we had become involved in the start-up of our local Ridgecrest,
California PD support group
(insert about that:
A bit of group History

The first meeting was held on December 9th, 1993 at the Adult Day Care
Center under the auspices of Carol Williams. I do not have the list of
persons who attended, but know that Nancy and I were there, Harvey and
Mary Eastman, and several others attended.

The second session on 1/12/94 had Carol joined by Jewell Poss, Ron and
Nancy Vetter, Marge and Kenny Knapp, Dorothy Murphy, Lee and Ruth Wolfe,
Mary and Harvey Eastman, and Mary Watts.

Bob & Virginia Matson and Leitha Siler attended in March as newcomers.
Richard Poss joined Jewell in May, Virginia Cazzassa came, and Billy
Watts came with Mary on 12 May 1994.

Ken Forbes and daughter Sandra Wyrick first came in July. Don & Helen
Stewart attended in September. Roy and Geneva Pullen joined 16 others at
the 13 October get-together; and Les and Joan Throndson attended the
November meeting which was our first without our start-up volunteer
Carol Williams - who withdrew because we were functioning well enough.)

Nancy and I have been the co-leaders since October 1994.

I continue to enoy the challenge of keeping up on the latest as part of
my plan to use my brain as a health and keeping-me-young modus
operandi.  The knowing thyself advice heard in my youth has never been
completed nor abandoned by my seeking self.

Additional reasons for joining were to interact and hopefully help
individuals as well as advance the state of the art in treatment and
researching the etiology of the disease.  I have attempted to be a
friend to all via this cybergroup - though I did not expect to feel as
saddened by the death of Alan Bonander especially - but I would miss
many of the list members - and hope that the loving-caring milieu that
exists herein seeps all over cyberspace - the noosphere envisioned by
Pierre Teihard de Chardin perhaps.
ron      1936, dz PD 1984  Ridgecrest, California
Ronald F. Vetter <[log in to unmask]>