

To: Brian Collins
Subject: End of dose Dynskinesias
I would like to resurrect this subject which was discussed several days ago

I practice what you describe as " overdosing" by taking 2 CR-Sinemets first
thing in the morning, then maintaining that level throughout the useful par
t of my day. I usually take 2 50-200 at 7:00 AM,  1/2 25- 100 and 1 50-200
at 11:00 AM then same again at 3:00 PM.
This usually keeps me in  good working order through the lunch period,
however, by 1:30 I am sensitive to stressful situations and by NLT 3:30 I
will have a period of dyskinesias before my 3:00 PM dose of medicine kicks

By 7:00 PM the Sinemet wears off and I usually go through the period of
dyskinesias you describe at the end of medication.

What I cannot explain is the period of dyskinesias that I go through with
my first dose in the morning.  If  I take(2) 50-200  Crs at 7:00 AM, I will
have a period of dyskinesias starting at about 8:00 until about 8:45.  Then
by  9:00 AM it will take effect and I will be fine  for the rest  of my
normal  day.

I'm sure that I am not unique in experiencing this although I do not recall
seeing any discussion about it.


John Davis