

Sue,  it may make you feel better to know that you dad still IS very
intelligent, it is just not
being able to be properly communicated. It's like talking on a bad telephone
line, the people at both ends are making sense, but  the static is scrambling
and muffling the sounds.  Just like when a PWP is trying to move a limb and
the brain is sending the signal, but  the timing of the signal is wrong and
the confirmation from the limb to the brain is not being received properly.
 If you notice, when a PWP is properly medicated, what they say makes perfect
sense, even if they do not always choose the appropriate word, it is related
to the one they should have used.  (This is based mostly what I have learned
from this list, and personal observations.)   I have hopes for your father,
and mine, and all the other folks with PD, that they will get a cure,  and
unlock their knowledge and talents for themselves and the world to benefit by
again.  Ken