


Your comment about sometimes feeling so alone with PD touched a chord within
me.  In reading whatcha said, I actually got a sudden insight.. one of those
rare moments when something cloudy.... murky... becomes clear to me.

It dawned on me that since I joined this virtual family, I no longer feel
alone in having Parkinson's.  This group has provided me with all the current
information about the disease I could ever need.  More than that tho, it's
provided me with the opportunity to meet some truly wonderful individuals who
I've come to value and care about.

That said, I DO feel alone in the "real world," BECAUSE of the PD (not "with
the" but 'because of the").   This "aloneness" is caused by two things.. 1.  a

grinding, profound fatigue from about 4 or 5 pm till mid-evening, and  2.
more and more work is being dumped on me by MSN which has nothing to do with
what I was hired for, and is totally related to programming - something not
only have I never had an aptitude for nor an interest IN, but something that
is physically difficult for me to do because it demands precise, tiny
controlled movements with the mouse.

Whatever free time I have had each day is often lost to the fatigue, or
spinning my wheels trying to make heads and tails of this damn HTML
programming, and all the related technical work which grows out of it.  My
mind SCREEEEEEAMS "I don't understand this!"   It's not that I can't learn...
but TO learn, I need someone teaching me who understands my physical and
mental limitations due to PD... and THAT is asking a whole lot from Microsoft!

(they DO know I have Parkinson's but none knows what the disease can do to a
person).  In this, I feel VERY alone.

Thanks.. I needed to get this out in a NON-work environment.... I hadn't even
realized that till now.

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Marling McReynolds
Sent:   Monday, June 09, 1997 9:36 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Verse: "You can do it...."


Thank you.  You may not believe it, but it feels good to know that others feel
the same way I do.  I have written some of the saddest poetry to myself
of PD.   At times I feel so alone.

don't forget how to laugh
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