

Ken-There was a man here installing a swing out lift in the back of our new
van to lift Mel's new scooter into the van.  I talked to him about the need
for something to go under the arms, secured with velcro or what ever to help
me stand Mel on his feet or up onto a chair.  He told me there was a woman
Dr. here whose husband is an invalid and she asked him the same question.
 His reply was he worried enough about liability on the chair lifts he
installs and is not interested.
You know it was a Dr. who invented the Triple lumen catheter, a catheter that
has 3 lumens all in one tubing - when placed in a big vein under the collar
bone, can deliver 3 different meds or infusions at the same time even if they
are incombatible.  They don't mix together, come out at different levels in
the line, hits the fast large flowing vein.  It is such a simple thing, keeps
the patient from being stuck in 3 different veins.  They man is rich!