

Attention all Canadians on the list: there is a new support group on the
Southshore of Nova Scotia. (Send verbal bouquets, rather than virtual
flowers. Or both.)

The Canadian Parkinsons Foundation, Halifax Branch, came to Lunenburg early
in May. I imagine they'd had a great number of phone calls, because they
were offering us an all day Workshop. An amazing 10 persons with Parkinsons
turned up, 9 men and one woman, with their spouses. And an equal number of
care workers from various hospitals and neighbouring nursing homes.

At the end of the Workshop, it was unanimous: we WANTED to form a group.
There is nothing between Halifax and Yarmouth on the Southshore, a distance
of 300+ kilometers. We set a date for a first meeting on June 10th.

Last night was our  first meeting. Not as good a turn out (16 people) but
it's early days.  Again, with help from Halifax, we went about "organizing"
Meetings will be held every month, alternating between Lunenburg and
Bridgewater. We hope to set up an exercise program, and get speakers 3 or 4
times a year. (We suddenly find ourselves in the tulip business to support
our needs.) (!)
Mainly, we want to sit and talk and encourage one another, and cry, laugh,
and do all the silly things that friends do together.

Anyone out there who has helped to start a group? Your advice, suggestions,
ideas, will be greatly welcome. As you well know, starting it is OK, but
keeping it going will take some work.
     Bill and I are the only ones On-Line, and I'll be printing out a lot
of information from this list to take back to the group.

Thanks for reading this e-pistle.
("e-pistle..............New Testament version of e-mail")  (From the B.C.
Comic strip.)

Germaine      CG for Bill   69/1+
Lunenburg, N.S.