

 This is an update from my British friend whose mother was having trouble
and has PD. I wonder if others who have been part of an Entacapone study
in the US (or elsewhere) have any comments?

On Wed, 11 Jun 1997 23:00:25 +0100 she said:
>Dear Camilla
>It's me again. :-). I have had a long chat with my mother this evening.
>She is a little better physically; she says she's adjusting to the fact
>that she may 'be like this' for now, and in accepting her situation she
>is feeling more at peace with herself. She is a very strong person.
>I asked her about the drugs she was on. The experimental one was
>Entacapone, but she may or may not have been taking it, as the trial is
>double-blind. Her current arthritis treatment is Diclofenac - this name
>is what they call 'generic': under the NHS one may not be precribed a
>particular brand, only the cheapest 'generic' drug. Mother has had
>arthritis for as long as I can remember, and the various drugs have
>caused lots of problems, like ulcers; but the actual arthritis seems to
>have been controlled well. She's not taking the Diclofenac just now,
>until she goes back to the consultant next Monday.
>She's been advised not to take too much fibre in her diet, so the
>Metamucil is not likely to be suitable.
>So those are the facts as of today. Feel free to pass them along to the
>list - I'd be particularly interested to hear if there is a trial of
>Entacapone going on in the US.
>Best wishes to you & Peter both

I have forwarded to her the couple of comments rec'd so far. Thanks!

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 78/7, Oxford,Ohio
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