

Golly, this is my night to post.  I seem to need to respond to all the mail.
 My Parkie sleeps in a lazyboy recliner, merily lower or raising his chair to
lower or raise legs.  He has a pole (bought at the friendly neighborhood
medical supply store) that goes from floor to ceiling 'turns and braces
against the ceiling' in front of his chair that he grabs to stand up or sit
down.  He weighs 200# and the pole remains firm.  It costs $100. and worth
much more.  He has one in the den in front of his lift chair also.
Reason he began sleeping in the recliner is - he has 'sleep apnea' when lying
flat even when on his side.  He has an expensive CPAP (continuous positive
assisted pressure ) machine he could use in bed but he hates it.
Remember us tho while on your knees in prayer :-) and your suggestions for
getting out of bed sound great to me.