

>Walter O. Huegel wrote:
> Did you know that Otto spelled inside out is Toot? So what?
> Did you know that PooP spelled inside out is OppO? So what?
> It's incredible to read the  lowest common denominator thinking that
> sometimes prevails on this list, and written  by the same handful of
> people.
> Walter Otto Huegel>>>

Mr. Huegel:

Guilty as charged!  Thanks for the compliment: " . . . same handful of
Uh, just what was that "Otto . . . Toot, . . . Poop . . . Oppo" stuff?
I think you're one of us!!

I agree, we must all work for the cure and give our advocates the
greatest support we can.  Actually, we should all become "our"
advocates!  It's just that sometimes things are sooooo darn funny!

Stephan 52/6