

>>My Dad has trouble getting his feet going when he decides to this to
>be expected?<<  As you'll find from responses on the list, this is a very
>common problem and I'm sure there will be many many suggestions. Some
>throw pennies on the ground and step over them.  Some turn a cane upside
>down and step over it.  It is important to use visual clues and step over
>- all this involves "relearning" the mental process of getting started.
>Some people even start by walking backwards!

>>walks at least a mile every day.<<
GREAT!  Don't stop.  Suggestion:  Buy a walking stick, NOT a cane, for
walking.  The longer stick forces a PWP to walk upright, offers greater
support and has less social stigma than a cane.
>>Also, he does not see a PD specialist, only a neuro.  He seems to be
>satisfied with him and both parents like him "he's very nice" (obviously no
>measure of his competence).<<
Find a specialist and see him/her - perhaps less frequently than the
regular neuro. If they will only see this neuro - educate him.  There is a
lot to learn from this list and other sources.

>>Mom says the nearest PD specialist is many miles away(they live in
>>Northern Jersey, Bergen County).<<
I'm sorry, living in Bergen county is a hop, skip & a jump from the largest
concentration of PD specialists in the country, NYC.  No excuse there.

>>  Does seeing a PD specialist make a big difference? <<
If it were you with PD wouldn't you want a neuro who was up on all of the
latest developments in the field and the relative risks of different drugs
and treatments?
Attitude and exercise are more important than the fanciest specialist in
dealing with PD.  Here's the name of a local support group that offers
exercise classes two days a week.  One day a week it has a rap session
after the exercise class.  One evening a month it has a support group

Group Awareness Program Parkinson's Support Group (G.A.P.)
Englewood Community House
44 Armory Street
Englewood, NJ  07631
Tues 10:00-11:00AM, Exercise,  11:00-12:00AM  Speech Therapy
Last Wednesday of each month - 7:30 PM
Thurs. 10:00-11:00AM
44 Armory Street
Englewood, NJ  07631

There's another group that may be more local.  Let me know if you want the
name.  Don't have it right here with me.  And tell your folks to come to
the Parkinson's Unity Walk on Saturday, September 27th in Central Park,
NYC.  Your dad can walk 2 miles (or none at all).

Ken Aidekman

Fund the Research.  Find the Cure.