

Following is the advance information for an international symposium on
Parkinson s disease research. Maximum registrants accepted: 250

The Fifth National Parkinson Foundation (NPF)
International Symposium on Parkinson s Disease Research

Friday, October 24th and Saturday, October 25th, 1997
All Day Sessions
The Pontchartrain Hotel
2031 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana

The National Parkinson Foundation, an international Parkinson s disease
research and treatment organization headquarted in Miami, Fl, will bring
together leading researchers and clinicians to discuss the most recent
developments in Parkinson s disease.

Theme Areas Include:
TGF Beta Superfamily and GDNF
Stem Cells
Psychiatric Dysfunction
Genetics of Parkinsonism
Potassium Channels and Basal Ganglia Function
In Vivo Imaging in Parkinson s Disease

Invited Speakers Include:
Dr. Anders Bjorklund, University of Lund, Sweden; Dr. Martha Bohn,
Northwestern University; Dr. David Brooks, Royal Postgraduate Med. School.
Hammersmith Hospital, London; Dr. Donald Calne, University of British
Columbia, Canada; Dr. Allan Crossman, University of Manchester, United
Kindon; Dr. Charlie Davie, Institute of Neurology, Queen Square, London;
Dr. Fred Gage, Salk Institute; Dr. Mark Hallett, NINDS, National Institutes
of Health; Dr. Barry Hoffer, NIDA, National Institutes of Health; Dr. Lilly
Jan, University of California, San Francisco; Dr. Kenneth Marek, Yale
University School of Medicine; Dr. Ron McKay, NINDS, National Institutes of
Health; Dr. Herb Meltzer, Vanderbilt University School of Med.; Dr.
Yoshikuni Mizuni, Juntendo Unversity School of Med., Japan; Dr. Richard
Nussbaum, NHGP, National Institutes of Health; Dr. Mihael Polymeropoulos,
NHGP, National Institutes of Health; Dr. Trevor Robbins, University of
Cambridge, England; Dr. A Roberts, NCI, National Institutes of Health; Dr.
Arnon Rosenthal, Genetech, Inc.; Dr. Paul Sheppard, Maryland Psychiatric
Research Center; Dr. S.E. Starkstein, Centroneurologico-Hospital Frances,
Buenos Aires.

For further information or to register for the symposium, contact:
Paula Conley, Programs and Grants Administrator, National Parkinson
Telephone: (305) 547-3897 Fax: (305) 243-3049