

> 1.      How did you first learn about the Parkinsn List?

          while searching Net for info on Parkinson's.>
> 2.      When did you first join the Parkinsn List?
>         December 96 when I purchased computer.
> 3.      What reason(s) did you have for joining the Parkinsn List?
>         To gather info from the experiences of others.  I'm especially interested in alternative medicine because my neurologist says join a
gym, take Vitamin E and see him in 6  months.  I'm interested in doing
more.  I've had dental amalgams removed and have had a course of
Chelation therapy with good results.  I no longer have stiffness when
turning in bed and getting out of chair.
            I read all messages especially those about anti-oxidants and
of course "Linda Forrest's Mom" postings.  She's a great researcher and
deserves a lot of credit.
Kathy Nannery, 55/3, no meds

> McMaster University School of Nursing
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