

Barb, and others who have employment problems due to PD:  It is a jungle in
the work world, even for us fortunate not to have PD! I was very nervous for
two weeks, having heard my "big boss" wanted to see me when he came to town,
considering all the possibilities, I was very relieved when it was to present
a certificate for being with the company 30 YEARS!  I was lucky this time!  I
went from being unhappy if raises were not to my liking, to being unhappy if
I did not get training when I wanted it, then I was unhappy if I was sent for
training at an inconvenient time. NOW I am HAPPY to go anywhere, anytime, to
just have some job security.  Usually after 30 years, you'd think I could be
able to stop worrying, but it never worked out that way. NOW what if I had to
add a disability like PD to my situation?  I can't tell you all how I admire
the courage of all of you PWP's who keep pushing on and working until the
last possible minute.  Ken B.