

Ken-while reading your post I noticed you were describing a 'Hoyer Lift' used
in hospitals to lift patients.  Couldn't figure out if you were joking or
just real bright to describe something someone else got rich on.  We have one
here but doesn't work for my Parkie.  It is designed for the long flat wide
steel legs to go under the bed and then the cloth (netting type) lift under
the patient and hooked to the lift and the hydralic lift controlled by a
handle lifts the patient.  Doesn't work for us as I need it when Mel falls
and can't get up (like 2 a.m. when all our friends who help are asleep). He
doesn't trust it or 'me' apparently because he fights it and I wear out
trying (since open heart surgery) so seldom try it.  If someone would just
design the netting material to go around under the arms with a smaller space
needed for the legs of the lift it would be great.
Mary CG for Mel 75/11